Hello! I'm Rachel(bunnyballet), and you've stumbled upon my petz adoptions site, BBAM! This is a petz 3/4 site, specializing in bred adoptions, and updated quite freqently for the summer months. A huge thanks to Luli @ Rainbow-muffin.org for hosting my site, I really appreciate her hosting as well as her friendship :) Another thank you to the lovely Tash @ Petz.nu for hosting my crewsite, and making a gorgeous, watermelon layout of my dreams! The elegant fluffy mutt at the top is Roxanne, hexed by Loxie @ Arundell <3 Thanks for visiting, leave your footprints on the tagboard!

Sunday the 1st of November 2009
&1. Came down with the H1N1 virus =( Been home for 4 days now.
&2. I'm going to neglect this site a bit until break, but I will be updating my page on Rainy Day Breeders Association, so check out the adoptions there. I'll be moving all of the leftovers from the litters page there as well as some others.

Aidan ♥ Amber ♥ Deannie ♥ Frankie ♥ Jenn ♥ Lauwie ♥ Rachel ♥ Tash

Layout © Tash